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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Isaiah 30:1-5

   Hello to those reading this. I apologize for my long hiatus from blogging. Summer time was in full swing by the time I had written my last post. This blog has certainly challenged me and made me a better reader of the Word ,mainly of the notes, but God is working a great deal in my life.
   Isaiah is such a thick book. Obviously I have not been keeping up with my reading seeing as I am only on the 30th chapter, but hopefully this gives you a glimpse into the brokenness of my life. The Bible is a good read, and as Hebrews says, "the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword" (ESV). Something I will always need reminding of.
   Isaiah 30 is a continuation of the grief God is expressing to His people in Judah. His people decided to ignore His promise of protection and turn to Egypt for it. How ironic. The people who enslaved and oppressed God's children would be the same ones they would turn to in their "time of need."
   God knows what the end of someone who does not listen to His Word is. Ultimately they will find "shame and disgrace" (30:5). Judah's rejection of God would lead to their judgement. Their lifestyle of sin would only lead to more sin. They were forsaking their salvation (in joining with Egypt and forsaking God's Will).
   It is too often that I find myself repeating old habits. Whether it be worrying about how a paper will turn out in a class, or living in dissonance. Allowing my actions to not meet up with my beliefs, I end up leaving the Savior of my soul and turning to the evil lusts and cravings of the world. I turn an eternal and priceless prize in for a worthless and frivolous desire, but there is a God who desires relationship. Who enjoys our nagging and our seeking Him. He defines each and every one of  His worshipers. Spend time with Him now! Obey convictions and live because Christ does! Be light in the dark! Be in constant thanksgiving because eternity starts the moment you call upon the name of Christ!

1 comment:

  1. I like your post. Keep writing...it's good for the world to read and see. What's crazy is, when most Christians read about Him, they become inspired, they listen, they desire His relationship, but they will not initiate the action to know Him. That's what I've been trying to do this semester. Get to know Him...because right now, at this point in my life...I need Him more than ever. Nice blog:) Keep writing!
